Let’s get you on the road.

Inspections, renewals or chats. SWING PAST Kustom Kommune. 8 DUKE STREET, ABBOTSFORD


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Can’t make it to the Kommune to renew?

Renew online.

VicRoads have recently announced that Club Permits can now be renewed online. Renewing online is simple:

  1.  Make sure your Machine Social Membership is current
  2. Download & Fill out the new VicRoads Club Permit Endorsement Form
  3. Email the completed Endorsement Form to us via the contact form to sign and return to you
  4. Sign your club permit renewal notice.
  5. Submit your renewal and pay the renewal fee online via your myVicRoads account 

or by Snail mail.

You are more than welcome to mail renewal documents to us to sign and send back. Please include a stamped return envelope (or chuck in a couple of bucks) and mail to:

Machine Social Inc
c/o Jimmy Goode
8 Duke Street,
Abbotsford VIC 3067